Thursday, November 6, 2008

Community, Passion and Intimacy; The Desire of A Generation

I'm currently reading "The Emerging Church" by Dan Kimball and I am loving it. The book is a guide to creating a service and a mind set geared towards the post-christian nation we now live in. It helps you to re-think the way you have thought about ministry and it helps you to re-learn what you have learned about the church; not in an un-biblical way, but in a way that challenges you and sparks excitement and creativity to serve God and others.

I think what I love most about this book is that it re-enforces these feelings that I have had about the church and ministry for some time now.

I have had this desire to connect with the Jewish roots of Christianity and discover what has led us to where we are. I have wanted to create a service that honors God and the sacred holiness of his presence rather than honoring the ideas of the contemporary mind. In no way am I upset with where the church has gone or what it is doing; I am just a man in need of something more, something deeper, something raw and real and mysterious. This book focuses on all of these ideas and affirms that God did not just make me different. He didn't just create this desire in me to feel like I am out of place. he has put this desire on the hearts of many people in my age group and beyond.

People desire to have the mystery and tradition found in the Bible. They want to know that God is the holiest of holys. They want to feel that they are a part of something that has been taking place for thousands of years. This is why it is important to bring a sense of intimacy and respect back into our services. I feel that God is leading a generation of leaders who will begin the first phase in a return to intimate services filled with community, passion and intimacy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Renewed Trust

Election time has finally come and gone. I myself am beyond ready for it to be over with. Political campaigning and mudslinging everywhere you look; emails that declare Obama's link to terror and Satan himself; political satire focusing on McCains old age or his running mates ability to fire a gun. It's all been so overdone and run into the ground and personally, I feel I can finally breathe again.

Regardless of McCain's or Obama's shortcomings or political views, we as a nation have lost sight of our true leader...God. I understand that we live in a post-christian nation and Christianity is no longer the main faith of choice. However, for those of us who do turn toward the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; For those of us who believe whole heartedly that Jesus Christ came and died on a cross for our sins; For those of us who put our trust and our hope in a God who created everything in 6 days; we of all people should believe that God is in control. No matter who sits at the head of the nation, God sits at the head of everything. He alone can make or break this entire nation with just a single breath.

If our leader turns out to deceive the world and begins the start of Revelation, then so be it. Who are we to question Gods perfect plan. If he turns out to be the best leader this country has seen in decades, then so be it, he is again part of Gods perfect plan. Whatever the case may be, God is not caught off guard nor is there any way to prevent or dismiss the fact that the will of God will be carried out no matter who sits in office.

I don't know what the next 4 years are going to look like. I can't say they will be good or bad. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. Everything could stop now as I write this and there would be nothing we could do because we aren't in control. As Christians who either support or oppose Barack Obama, it is our duty to pray for our leadership that they will make sound decisions and guide us correctly. For those who oppose him for his past or what he may stand for, remember the strength and the heart of God can penetrate anyone. Remember Paul was the furthest thing from a disciple of Christ until he truly encountered God. If you support our future leader then pray that he will lead this country back into a humble nation who seeks God, if you oppose him, pray that God will work in his life and the life of all who follow God to trust in the Lord and know that his plans are bigger than we can fathom.

"In you Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me."

Psalm 25:1-2

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."

Proverbs 3:5