I see commercials on a daily basis that are your standard "mud slinging" ads directed toward anyone who differs in opinion for the attacker. I can't help but wonder...what would the leaders of the past think of all of this.
I'm no history major and I can't say exactly how campaigning went in the late 1700's. But I can say the men that ran were men of respect, valor and integrity. What happened to the days when you could look to your president as a fearless leader, an honest individual whose only interest was the growth and prosperity of the nation...not their own pocket or agenda.
I know I wasn't around for the Battle at Valley Forge. I didn't hear the eloquent words of The Emancipation Proclamation. I didn't witness the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence. I can't claim that the politicians of the past were perfect men, but I can admit that I miss the respect I used to have for our leaders. I want that boyish adoration I used to have when sitting in history class listening to the stories of men who united together to create one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.